
Hemp Oil Vs CBD Oil: What’s The Difference?

Written by Nishant Garund
Medically Reviewed by Dr.Varuni Agarwal

Dr. Varuni Agarwal is an esteemed Ayurvedic physician specializing in
diagnosing diseases through Ayurvedic dosha imbalances and providing personalized treatments. She focuses on ahara (diet) and vihara (lifestyle) to manage and heal various ailments.

Hemp Oil Vs CBD Oil: What’s The Difference?

Hemp oil and CBD oil might sound similar, but they are both different things. Hemp oil vs CBD oil is a dilemma you may face. Do you know what’s the difference between hemp oil and CBD oil? Do you know about their uses and benefits? Worry not; we have tried to compare everything you need to know about hemp oil and CBD oil.

Keep reading to learn more about hemp oil vs. CBD oil.

Hemp oil vs CBD oil: Process of Extraction

Hemp is a member of a species of plant, Cannabis sativa. Hemp oil is extracted from hemp seeds through the cold pressing technique. CBD oil is derived from the stalks, leaves, and flowers of the hemp plant.

Hemp oil vs CBD oil

Because CBD is derived from many parts of the hemp plant, it may also contain other compounds such as CBC, CBN, CBG, THC, THCa, and THCv, as well as naturally occurring terpenes.

Hemp oil is extracted exclusively from hemp seeds. Seeds may not contain the same amount of compounds as the whole plant. They have a rich content of nutrients, good fats, etc., which makes them stand out.

Hemp oil vs CBD oil: Benefits

Both CBD and hemp oil serve numerous purposes in alleviating the mental and physical health of an individual.

Hemp oil is also used for many health benefits. The nutrients, fatty acids, and other helpful compounds present in hemp seed oil contribute to the alleviation of many common health-related problems, such as those related to skin, hair, the face, and more.

CBD is helpful in alleviating the mental and physical health problems of an individual. CBD serves numerous benefits, which have been discussed in detail here: Unlocking the Healing Potential: Discovering the Numerous CBD Oil Benefits.

Hemp oil vs CBD oil: Side Effects

Research related to the side effects of hemp oil is limited. There are no particular side effects associated with hemp oil. Some common side effects that may occur are drowsiness, nausea, etc. The kinds of effects also depend on various factors, which may vary among different individuals.

There are some side effects of CBD that some may encounter. An individual may experience CBD side effects, but it depends on various factors like dosage, type of CBD, preliminary health condition, etc. It varies from person to person. It is not always predictable whether CBD will cause side effects in a person or not. A detailed discussion on CBD side effects can be understood here: CBD Side Effects: How Safe Is CBD?

Hemp oil vs CBD oil: Which is better?

The usage and application of hemp oil or CBD oil depend on the needs of the user. For some usage areas, such as edibles, oils, tinctures, etc., CBD is used, whereas for industrial and topical usages, hemp oil is preferred.

Hemp oil is enriched with vitamins and fatty acids, which makes it a good health supplement. It also has quick-drying properties. This makes it suitable for topical and industrial usage. Hemp oil is also used as supplements as it also contains some cannabinoids (although in lesser quantities), fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. Hemp oil supplements are also cheaper as compared to CBD oil.

Hemp oil vs CBD oil

CBD oil has antioxidant properties, which makes it suitable for topical application on the skin. CBD oil is also suitable for edibles, supplements, and tincture production. CBD serves numerous benefits to the health and lifestyle of a person. It is beneficial for alleviating many health issues, both mental and physical.

The better option between Hemp oil vs CBD oil depends on the above-stated factors. While hemp oil makes for a good health supplement, CBD oil is most sought after by those looking to address certain health conditions, such as chronic stress, anxiety, mood disorders, sleep problems, and inflammation, among others. 


Hemp oil and CBD oil are two different things. Hemp oil is derived from hemp seeds, whereas CBD oil is derived from the stalks, leaves, and flowers of the hemp plant. There are no particular side effects associated with hemp oil or CBD oil. An individual may experience some side effects depending on various factors, varying from person to person.

The usage and application of hemp oil or CBD oil depends on the needs of the user. Hemp oil is enriched with vitamins and fatty acids, and hemp oil also has quick drying properties, which makes it suitable for topical and industrial usage. Supplements are also made from hemp oil because it also has some cannabinoids, vitamin and mineral content in it. CBD oil is also suitable for edibles, supplements, and tincture production.

The better option among Hemp oil vs CBD oil depends on the need, usage, and purpose of the person, which may vary from person to person. While some people looking for a good health supplement may resort to hemp oil, those in need of alleviating some health issues such as anxiety, sleep problems, etc. may find CBD oil helpful. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Which is better hemp oil or CBD oil?

The better option between hemp oil and CBD oil depends on various factors, such as the needs, usage, and applications of the person, which may vary from person to person. There cannot be a specific option that may be suitable for every situation.

Is CBD oil and hemp oil the same thing?

No, hemp oil and CBD oil might sound similar, but they are both different things. Hemp oil is extracted exclusively from hemp seeds, whereas CBD oil is extracted from the stalks, flowers, and leaves of the hemp plant. The usage, application, and effects of both depend on the need, usage, and purpose of the person.

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