Living With Tinnitus? Here's What You Can Do About It
Written By
Nishant Garund
Medically Reviewed by Dr. Varuni AgarwalDr. Varuni Agarwal is an esteemed Ayurvedic physician specializing in diagnosing diseases through Ayurvedic dosha imbalances and providing personalized treatments. She focuses on ahara (diet) and vihara (lifestyle) to manage and heal various ailments.

Hearing problems are common and may manifest in various ways. One of the most typical manifestations of hearing issues is Tinnitus, a condition believed to affect approximately 14% of people. Tinnitus can develop over time due to unhealthy lifestyle choices and advancing age.
Tinnitus symptoms, which range in severity and frequently cause great agony, can drastically diminish the quality of life. You shouldn't be alarmed if you are facing hearing problems like Tinnitus. With the right treatment, tinnitus symptoms can be managed. In some cases, using certain supplements (such as CBD for Tinnitus symptoms) can also help.
Table of Contents
What does Tinnitus feel like?
One of the signs of Tinnitus is a ringing, roaring, buzzing, hissing, or whistling sound that may be intermittent or constant. Symptoms vary greatly from person to person; some hear an occasional noise, while others hear a loud, persistent noise that is challenging to ignore. Numerous issues, such as stress, sadness, memory loss, and insomnia, can be brought on by Tinnitus.
It is one of the most challenging disorders for medical practitioners to diagnose. The Tinnitus sound can be single, multi-toned, or noise-like, with no real tonal character. Its pitch ranges from high to low and can feel like continuous pulsating or intermittent Tinnitus. Tinnitus could start very quickly or develop gradually.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Tinnitus
Tinnitus can also be an outcome of poor mental health. In those with Tinnitus, depression, anxiety, and insomnia are not uncommon. Talk therapy, known as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), aids tinnitus sufferers in learning to cope with their condition. CBT trains you to accept the sound rather than trying to lessen it. The objective is to enhance your quality of life and keep Tinnitus from taking over. CBT entails identifying and altering unfavourable thought patterns while working with a therapist or counsellor, typically once per week. CBT was primarily created as a therapy for depression and other psychiatric issues. Still, it also appears to be effective for tinnitus sufferers. Tinnitus-related irritability and annoyance are significantly reduced with CBT.
Take care of your health
Obviously, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is beneficial to your overall well-being. Track if particular meals, beverages, or activities worsen your Tinnitus. There are currently several treatments that have been proven to offer consistent, long-term relief from Tinnitus. You should seek assistance from a tinnitus specialist who can offer one of these treatments or assist you in selecting a hearing aid that can reduce Tinnitus.
Maybe it's time for you to stop smoking if you're a smoker. Smoking stimulates the nervous system and reduces blood flow, which can worsen tinnitus symptoms. Studies reveal that smokers are more likely than non-smokers to experience some form of hearing loss. Additionally, it would help if you minimised your intake of alcohol and caffeinated beverages. Even if several researchers have disputed the claim that caffeine exacerbates Tinnitus, you should still notice the effects for yourself. The same is true for alcoholic beverages. However, no studies clearly demonstrate a link, so it's still important to keep an eye on them.
Sleep and Tinnitus
Long known by scientists to frequently coexist with chronic Tinnitus are a variety of sleep issues. To begin with, those who have Tinnitus appear to sleep less. Sleep apnea, which typically results in snoring and is linked to daytime sleepiness, high blood pressure, stroke, and other ailments, has been linked to Tinnitus. People who suffer from Tinnitus have trouble falling asleep and experience daytime weariness. Additionally, they appear more likely than the overall population to suffer from sleep disturbances. People with Tinnitus have been found to experience various sleep issues, including difficulty falling asleep and insufficient sleep. Additionally, some people need help sleeping, which leaves them feeling less rested in the morning.
Sleep issues and Tinnitus are related reciprocally. Sleep can be hampered by tinnitus symptoms, and inadequate sleep can make the condition worse and more challenging to treat. The researchers discovered that most of those with Tinnitus also had sleep difficulties, making Tinnitus more bothersome. It frequently happens because tinnitus noises are more prominent at night and in a quiet setting. The aggravation and disruptiveness of tinnitus sounds can be reduced with background noises from everyday living. However, if your bedroom is too quiet, you might hear those sounds more clearly when you try to sleep and find it difficult to relax.
Tinnitus might worsen under stress. Find coping mechanisms for anxiety, such as deep breathing, physical activity, and biofeedback, a relaxing technique that alters how people respond to stress. For some people, it helps to lessen Tinnitus. CBD oil is one supplement that can help you get better sleep, in addition to providing a whole myriad of other health benefits. We at Neet offer the best CBD for sale in India.
Sound Therapy for Tinnitus
Sound therapy can lessen the intensity of ringing or buzz in the ears. While sound therapy won't make the illness disappear, it might make it more bearable. You can place white noise gadgets on a desk or nightstand or carry them with you. You might put a video player, computer, or electric fan on a bedside table if your Tinnitus disturbs you at night. If your symptoms persist, you might use an app or wear a sound generator.
Some technology can be adjusted to your situation. According to your needs, they play noises at frequencies and tones. Usually, you'll use one for a predetermined period each day, such as right before bed. Depending on your symptoms, you will choose the appropriate equipment. For instance, specific devices might not function effectively for you if you are sensitive to noises like a running faucet or dishwasher, but other individuals are not. Your doctor can assist you in locating the best one for your circumstances.
Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT)
TRT relies on the brain's innate capacity to become used to a signal and subconsciously block it from conscious perception. Habituation doesn't involve willpower. People regularly develop many auditory noises into habits, including soft rain, computer fans, air conditioners, and refrigerators. They are not viewed as loud because they are unimportant, which is what they have in common. The brain can therefore filter these sounds out. In TRT, people wear in-ear sound generators that play neutral sounds in addition to one-on-one counselling. In the hands of a skilled practitioner, this tinnitus treatment method can be highly effective and lasts 12 to 24 months.
Try CBD for Tinnitus
Tinnitus can be either temporary or persistent, but it always causes discomfort. There are ways to manage Tinnitus, but there is no known cure. There are traditional approaches that frequently make use of potent psychotherapy, medications, and even a few surgical and non-surgical procedures. CBD oils are one of the more widely used forms of CBD, and hemp-derived CBD products have long been used to treat Tinnitus. The brain's CB1 and CB2 receptors are crucial in how CBD functions. There is evidence that CB1 and CB2 may contribute to balance and hearing issues like Tinnitus. However, the research is still in its early stages, and the findings are conflicting.
Be aware that CBD has been employed to treat several other neurological conditions, including epilepsy. Research on the relationship between cannabis use and Tinnitus has generally been inconclusive. Tinnitus cannot be successfully treated with cannabis. Discussing your alternatives with a healthcare provider is crucial if you're considering using CBD for tinnitus symptoms. If you're currently using drugs like blood thinners, your doctor can tell you if CBD oil will interact with them. If you start using CBD, observe for side effects like diarrhoea, tiredness, lethargy, and dry mouth.
The Takeaway
Before attempting any of the Tinnitus management techniques, consult your doctor. Due to the individual nature of Tinnitus, finding the best course of action may require experimenting with various approaches and combinations. Combining tinnitus treatments will need you to see many medical professionals. You'll need to consult a behavioural or mental health specialist and a hearing doctor. Successful combination therapy necessitates dedication as well. Depending on your unique situation and the type of treatment, several forms of therapy, such as behavioural therapy and tinnitus retraining therapy, may require multiple sessions over a few months. Hearing protection is a crucial intervention since loud noises increase your risk of developing Tinnitus. Wear earplugs, avoid the noise source, or turn it down if it is too loud for you to speak at a regular conversational volume.
If you are looking for the best CBD for sale in India, Neet CBD offers a wide range of products to choose from. Start with a low dosage and work your way up to find what works for you.